Digital Marketing
Built For Construction

Who We Are
A Letter From Our Founder

Our mission is simple: to help construction owners grow their brand and business online. We do this with marketing strategies built for construction.

Hey there – 

I’m Cam, CEO here at Powerbox Digital.

Something is happening to construction…

When the internet changed business (and marketing), most industries were forced into change…

Retail faced one of the most profound impacts of internet adoption.

E-commerce platforms like Amazon and eBay revolutionised how people shop, leading to the decline of brick-and-mortar stores. 

Before the internet, booking a hotel room or a flight required a visit to a travel agent or a direct phone call to the service provider. 

But, websites like Expedia,, and Airbnb made it as easy as the click of a button.

How businesses got customers had changed

As a result, lots of businesses BOOMED.

But a lot went under.

People lost their jobs because the businesses they worked for couldn’t reliably get new customers, now that people weren’t looking in the same places they always had.

And, for a long time…

The construction industry stood defiant. The one industry where things still happened the way they used to. Sales Reps. Cold Calls. Cold Emails.

But, things are changing.

The industry is rapidly catching up with the others. 

More people are using LinkedIn, Google and a company’s website to find who they want to work with, and more importantly, who to trust.

Yes, you still have to have a great business that offers a great service. But how is someone who doesn’t know your business supposed to know that?

They don’t. They search online and then look at the options. Then they compare you and your competitors and make decisions based on how good they think you are.

So you need to make sure the quality they see is the quality you provide.

So we started Powerbox Digital to solve just that.

We help construction owners grow their brand and business in a world where digital drives decision making.

We’ve worked with businesses in the industry, to find the strategies that really work. Based on feedback, and our own ideas we’ve made lots of improvements over the years, with many more to come.

It’s been an incredible journey so far, and we have so many people to thank. But most of all we feel a deep sense of responsibility to keep improving our service for the companies who need a better way to get customers and grow their brand.

Thanks for reading! You can always contact me directly if you have any questions at I look forward to hearing from you.

Cameron Coley

Founder & CEO

Cameron Coley



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